The Synopsis of the film Eragon:
In a mystical forest in his homeland of Alagaësia, a young farm boy named Eragon discovers a gorgeous and rare blue stone. To get himself and his poor family through the harsh winter, Eragon hopes to trade it in for some food supplies.
To his astonishment, a spectacular dragon hatches from what was not a stone, but rather an egg. Until now, the dragon’s race was thought to be extinct and the boy realizes that he has stumbled onto a discovery of legendary proportions. He names the hatchling Saphira and quickly bonds with the amazing creature. However, his simple life is shattered overnight when his family is brutally murdered by the dark forces that roam the kingdom.
Guided by an elderly storyteller named Brom, with only an ancient sword for a weapon, Eragon learns of his destiny as a Dragon Rider. In a land shrouded in war between humans, elves, dwarves, and other beings, Eragon and Saphira search for their role in bringing peace to the politically and socially unstable empire. Their greatest enemy will be the wicked King Galbatorix, a former Dragon Rider, who chose a life fueled by evil, greed, and power and destroyed the legendary Dragon Riders that once protected Alagaësia. Eragon may be the kingdom’s final hope.
In this scene camera focus on environment of Saphira and the Eragon in war.This scene is a climax of this movie.
Long Shot:
This scene show the Saphira and the Eragon at the high mountain.
Extreme Long Shot:
Camera take this shoot to show the whole body of the dragon at the mountain. The small people can see that this scene is about extreme long shot.
Special Effect:
A shot made with the camera held in hand, not on a tripod or other stabilizing fixture. The Eragon use the magic bow to shot the enemy with the full expression.
Facial Expression:
This scene show the face Eragon was sad when he see the Sephira in still baby.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
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